
Thursday 27 February 2014

Popplet about friends - Juliano

This is my friendship popplet. This tells you what a friend is and what a friend is like. I got my friends by being kind and nice. Wow this makes me want to play with them.

Reading History Template - Juliano

This is my books that I've been reading at home when I was 4,6,7,8 years old. Now I'm reading Boy Vs Beast Battle of the Mutants Terraserpix. All of the book that I've been reading has been very interesting  and has good information .  

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Friendship Qualities-Juliano

This is my Friendship Qualities. This can help you how to get a friend by making your own.

My Fotor in Easter Beach - Julino .T.

This is my fotor of Eastern Beach. We had lot's fun. We had Kayak . swimming and rugby lot's of fun. If you want to make a fotor then click on this link here .
You can make you own fotor about you in eastern beach. 

Friday 21 February 2014

My Xtra Maths results.

This is my second Xtra Maths. I had 4 wrong, 1 tick and a 20 smiley face.
If you have a smiley then that means you had the answer right under 3 seconds. My goal on Xtra Maths is to get 40 or over smiley faces. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Weekly Number challenge~W3T1: Juliano

Today’s Number:

Write it in words
six hundred and twenty four
Write it as an expanded number
Add 3
+ 25
Subtract 5
- 17
Next 3 even numbers
626, 628, 630
Double it
Last 4 odd numbers
623, 621, 619, 617
Half of it
10% of it is
25% of it is
⅓ of it is
Multiply by 6
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6

This is our weekly number challenge.

My Current Events By Juliano

TITLE:  New tool to keep kids safe online
WHEN: The website create it on February 13, 2014

WHO: the Privacy Commissioner

WHERE: The website was launched at Tawa School

WHAT: The resource is designed to be used as a class room teaching tool and explains to children the dangers being online.

WHY or HOW it happened: To keep kids safe online.
PICTURE ( Paste into the space below)

What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article?
The author have wanted to introduce the readers to a new program that was based how to keep safe online .

List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.
particular and resources

particular-used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.

resources- Something that can be used for support or help.An available supply that can be drawn on when needed. Often used in the plural.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Word's of Digit's

This is my word's and digits. This is very easy to do.

Beach and water safety rule's

This is my beach and water safety rule's. This can help you when ever your at the beach so you know  what to do. You can also make one of own rule's in the holidays and post it on your blog. 

Friday 14 February 2014

My Xtramaths results

This is my Xtramaths. As you can see i had got 8 wrongs but its a good start for me. I have to ticks and it wasn't hard for me at all.

Monday 10 February 2014

My Math Activity

This is my Math Activity. As you can see that i have everything right .  I had to turn the words numbers into digits.