
Monday 22 June 2015

Homework T2 Wk10 - Matariki: Juliano

Reading game challenge

Wow, I loved this maths game, this is the best. I worked my way through and inferencing the story. I found clue's to help me find the key words and it took me to predict the next thing. This game was so cool, I have 10 stars and didn't struggled.

Friday 19 June 2015

Spelling test.

Serously!! I would of had 100% If I didn't got it wrong. So it looks like I need more practice. Oh well!

Monday 8 June 2015

Spelling T2 W8

The new word I learnt to spell was Mortified. I also know that mortified means being embarrass or bring down.

Eg: Drake is really mortified by the news that her daughter is moving back home.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Six times - Juliano

LI: Quickly Recall Our 6 times table.
Today we had practice our six times table, we had all did the test and it had to be answered under 1 minutes. Unfortunately, I did it in 1 minute but forgotten to click finish

Ordering Fractions.

Boom! I had completed the ordering fraction under a minute, probably the class record. Today my maths group were learning to ordering fractions. Miss had set our website with a game and we had to do it and post it on the blog.